What Does Karma Mean?

True Meaning of Karma and Everything You Need to Know

Every time we scroll the internet, we find something new. Maybe we see someplace that is new for us, or some language or word. We don’t know about that thing, but we also want to get information about them. So if they cross us again, we already know about them. 

Mostly on social media networks, when we open people’s pictures or videos, we also check people’s comments to see what public opinion is about them. Sometimes we find new words in these comment sections that are unknown. Or we know those words but don’t know the exact meaning.

These words can also be slang words. Likewise, Karma is also a slang term on the internet. Here, in this write-up, we will explore karma meaning and help you understand this term. 

What Does Karma Mean? 

Karma is termed the moral justice system. And many people use this term to relate it to destiny. Like it is karma that comes back to you. Karma means that you get the reward for the action that you do. 

Karma is the term used to show that our actions cross us in our life. If we do good with someone, that good will come back to us one day. Just like that, if we do something bad with someone, it will  also come back to us. That is what karma means. 

What is a Karma? 

Karma means “receiving what you contribute” or “receiving what you seed.” There is good & evil karma, but we believe that to feel the repercussions of karma truly, one must first understand what is true and false. 

Since people have various patterns of understanding and beliefs, Karma meaning is often misunderstood by many people.  

What may appear to be correct to one person may seem incorrect to another. And here Karma plays its role to show what is right or wrong. With that said, when people experience  something good or bad that  happens to them, they relate it to something that they had done in the past and link it to Karma. 

Origin of Term 

In Indian ethics and philosophy, karma, Hindu karma, Pali Kamma is the global causative rule through which moral or immoral deeds define the future patterns of a person’s experience. Karma denotes the ethical aspect of the reincarnation process, which is widely accepted across India’s religious systems.

It is where people start using the word karma. Not only in India but people from all over the world also use this word. It is used to remind people what they have done in the past will come back to them.

Interesting Facts About Karma

  • In Buddhist culture, it is believed that a person can improve his Karma by following the 5 commandments. These 5 precepts are: do not tell lies, do not kill, do not indulge in something that is forbidden, do not take drugs, do not steal. 
  • In the Hindu belief system, reincarnation, caste, and karma are all intertwined, with the previous life’s karma determining a character’s next life’s caste or life.  
  • Recent researches and scientific theories prove that Karma Does exist. 
  • If someone wants to change Karma, he needs to understand the fact that by releasing anger, one can change Karma. 

We hope this article will clear your mind regarding karma. It is a slang word popular on social media platforms and reminds people about their deeds and actions in their previous lives. 

Keep connected with us to learn more terms like Karma! 

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